Monday, December 1, 2008

Here it comes...

I've held off writing anything about the new developments in the life of the President-Elect until now. I thought that I should write considering the new incoming Secretary of State. I found it very interesting that many thought of putting an Obama-Clinton ticket together. It seemed like a doomed idea to put two people who thoroughly trashed each other in the primaries together on the same bill. One of the things that Obama specifically attacked was the foreign policy experience of his former opponent. So now that is going to be her business in the new American government. I know that I am not fond of Obama, something everyone is aware of, but I am not even having to try to find this a poor choice. Anyone else have thoughts on this matter and/or any other of Obama's appointments?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The United States is ready for Change!

That word. Oh, how I have come to loath that word during this election. It is not that I do not believe that change is a good thing. Nor is it that I don't believe that change can come from someone who I fundamentally disagree with. My main issue is that it was thrown around with reckless abandon and was never accompanied by a clear plan to actually evoke change in this country.
So, while I congratulate Barack Obama on an excellent rhetorically driven campaign, I remain sceptical as to any real change occuring in our nation.
Many find that with the elections over, there is no reason to continue to follow politics. It is the lull between elections. I highly disagree. I plan to look for that "change". It may happen and I hope that people pay attention to it.

I also hope to begin a series of posts about the Constitution. As I am doing my own research, I plan to write about my findings here to give people a better idea of why I am so enamored with a document written over 200 years ago. I also welcome suggestions for posts that people would like to get my take on. I am very good at sharing my opinion as you all know.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today is the day!!!!!!

Just wanted to make one more appeal to reason. Today is election day. Get out and vote. That is one of the most important things that you can do as an American citizen. Even better, take a pocket copy of the Constitution with you to read while you wait in line. Then vote what you believe, not what others want you to believe. Don't vote for someone you don't agree with, or vote for someone just to keep another person out of office. Vote what you believe. That is all that is required of us on this magnificent day!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Less than a week...

Everyone is writing about this. We've got less than a week to go till the 2008 elections. I just want to say that it doesn't look good for the Constitution. Our founding document is being totally ignored and in some cases thrown in the dirt. The principles in the Constitution are sound, simple, and true. Not to mention that they can save our country.
I really just wanted to tell everyone out there that has not voted early to take the next week and really think about this. Read the Constitution and decide where you want our country to go. And as always, vote your beliefs, not your party...they probably aren't the same thing.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Interesting Experiment

I found this while reading the Constitution Club, and while I do not agree with some things they say I thought this an interesting piece that needed to be passed on. It particularly attacks Obama but I believe that all government is responsible for this at the present time.

"Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read “Vote Obama, I need the money.”

I laughed.

Once in the restaurant my server had on an “Obama 08″ tie, again I laughed as he had given away his political preference–just imagine the coincidence.

When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need–the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.

I went outside, gave the homeless guy $5 and told him to thank the server inside as I’ve decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful.

At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient needed money more.

I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application."

Any thoughts?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This should not be this way...

As the election nears and more and more people are getting into the fervor that comes with the campaigning, I am becoming more opinionated as well. I turned to for some news this morning to see what kind of junk they were going to post. To my delight there was something of value there that I can use to make a point.
CNN reports that a new poll (done by a CNN research group) says that 75% of Americans believe things are going badly in our country. The same poll says that again 75% of Americans are angry about the situation in our country. It drops to 66% that say they are scared about the way things are going and 75% that are worried or stressed.
We try endlessly to lay blame...that is all this election has been about for the two major parties. McCain did this, Obama did that, Bush did this...and all of that led to our problems. This poll should lead us to a revelation of sorts, which is that the blame belongs on both sides of the aisle. Big G Government is to blame. McCain and Obama are to blame. Bush is to blame. Every president for the last 100 years is to blame.
If you found that to be harsh, I don't care anymore. The government as it stand right now with the Republicans and the Democrats in charge will not, let me emphasize that, WILL NOT solve your problems. Government intervention will not solve our problems. It WILL NOT help us.
I'm making a plea as we get down to the wire. If you value your freedoms as an American, VOTE FOR SOMEONE ELSE this election.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Old Dead White Guys

I'm interested in finding out why Americans don't spend more time focused on the Founding Fathers and their writings. I have always had an innate desire to be political and to know how my government should and does work, so I guess I just don't get it.
I can only come up with several arguments. First, they are a bunch of old dead white guys. Second, they lived in a different time with different problems. And Third, I am just passive and don't care who runs my country or what they do to me. Those are all I can come up with, all of which I have sharp rebuttals to, but that for another time.
What other reasons are there? I would love to hear input on this.

Friday, October 17, 2008

My Roots

An e-mail from a friend reminded me of the roots of this blog. One day I came across one of my favorite speeches given by Patrick Henry. The speech talks of Liberty and Freedom, with the familiar phrase of "Give me Liberty, or give me Death." The meaning of this phrase has been mostly forgotten. It is now utilized in rather pathetic attempts to relate to the founding of our country. Our Founding Fathers fought for the Freedom of our country from oppressive and controlling government. They desired that their children and all who would come here would be free to choose how to live. They wanted the federal government to be small and take care only of the things that the States either could not handle or issues that superseded States' rights. They desired a President who would have minimal power and act as head of state, not as a legislator.
Where are we now? Can we even see that kind of Freedom? Can we even dream of it? I hope the answer to the last question is a resounding 'Yes'. I hope that people still desire to have their own choice matter. I hope that every American citizen will take the time to read the Constitution and think about the government that was initially instituted in this nation.
We can solve our problems. It is not through more government intervention. It is through the freedom of choice and the electing of leaders who will work for our benefit. I believe that Patrick Henry, along with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and every other patriot of this country's founding would be angry with our current leaders for corrupting the system they created.
So, with election day rapidly approaching, and nothing of real value being said or accomplished, I urge everyone to study this out. We've still got the power to change things for the better, but we need to be willing to fight for our rights. And so I say again, reminded of the reason for the founding of this blog, 'Why stand we here idle'? Let's regain our glory.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Constitution Day...How do we celebrate that?

Today is September the 17th, otherwise known as Constitution Day here in the United States of America. I am quite excited and my wife is getting sick of me talking to her about it. What a fabulous and under-noticed day here in the US of A. I plan to do a few more blogs on the topic and make sure that I give my pocket copy a good reading. I highly suggest that everyone takes the time to read the Constitution today. I know that most people have either never read it, or perhaps were forced to read it once in school and payed little or no attention to it. This is the founding document of our nation that spells out how our government is supposed to run. Take the time today to read it.
Here is a link to the full text.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fannie and Freddie, the doomed American couple

This has been a huge part of the news cycle for the past few weeks. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been in trouble and the government is going to step in and help. The official word for their plan of action is a "bail-out". Within the last few days the situation has worsened and the government has "taken over" the helm of these two giants. The cost of this government help is unknown but is speculated to be in the billions. Lest we forget, the government has no money in and of itself. All of the money the government has comes from the people. To put this bluntly, our money, your money is going to bail-out other people from their own foolish decisions.
My problem with this comes from the issue of accountability. Am I, are you, or should we, be held accountable for the mistakes of others? If your neighbor makes a bad decision, should you be punished for it? That is the question that I put to everyone. Or do I have it all wrong? Please comment and tell me your feelings.

As a side note, the two main political candidates are in support of this course of action, so if you are not, shop elsewhere this election.

More to come...

I must apologize for my absence. I recently moved to the great state of Ohio to continue my education. While my education will focus on things of a political nature, my background is not in my current field, and so I am playing catch-up and have had no time to keep up with this blog. This is a shame since so many things have happened in the past few weeks that deserve my attention here. I promise that I will give each of these things the scrutiny they deserve.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Founders' Point of View

Do we ever stop and think about the Founders and what they were trying to do when they penned and fought for the Constitution? As I was reading some blogs today, I found this blog written by a History professor about the Founders and their idea of the presidency, which is shown in the Constitution. I urge everyone to read it.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Europe can be beautiful this time of year....

I love Europe. It is an amazing place. Old buildings that are gorgeous and have history engrained in the smallest stone or carving. The food is amazing and the people are intriguing. The one thing that I have never fully accepted is the politics. Government run health care. Socialized business practices. High taxes. Lots of government control. Just isn't my thing.
Well today as I was reading through the news, I found an intereting poll that should have great resounding through American politics. The poll of over 6,000 people from several important European countries (Britain, Germany, Italy, France and Russia) showed that between 50% and 75% of the people would vote for Obama in the upcoming election if they could.
Now, I am no great lover of either of the major party candidates, nor do I dislike one more than the other. However, I do find it interesting that all of these countries are run by varying degrees of socialism, and they would choose Obama if they could. Hopefully everyone is drawing the same conclusion as I did. The people in Europe are saying that Obama fits best with their own semi-socialist beliefs. Not to discourage any Obama supporters, just know who you are voting for come November.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

World's Smallest Political Ideology Quiz

I've posted another one before, but this one takes about 30 seconds and is just fun and concise. Everyone should do it to give you a better idea where you stand.

The Candidates

It can sometimes be difficult to wade through the information that is presented in an election year. There is so much to take in and it is easy for a voter to get confused by the distinct types of media that are available to them. The forums of mass media rarely portray anything but the two most popular parties and candidates, which is a gross disservice to the American public. All national candidates should be given plenty of opportunity to get their names and platforms out to the people. I encourage everyone to look at each candidate with your minds open. Brush away the thoughts of that e-mail you received about Obama being an evil Muslim, or McCain not even being an American citizen, or Ralph Nader single-handedly ruining the 2000 election. Media will show what it will, but that does not mean that we must let it influence our decision. Below is a list of the presidential candidates, though not a complete one I am sure, and their websites so you can see what they have to say. I've tried to include as many as I can, but please let me know if I missed one.

Bob Barr - Libertarian (My candidate for now, though I'm not done researching)

Chuck Baldwin - Constitutionalist

Ralph Nader - Independent

Cynthia McKinney - Green

John McCain - Republican

Barack Obama - Democrat

I hope this gives everyone a place to start when looking for your candidate. I suggest taking a political ideology quiz before starting the decision making process just to give you an idea as to what your beliefs are. Anyone can be swayed by a well-worded ad about something you don't necessarily believe in. Happy Candidate Hunting!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Congressional Approval Rating

Got to work this morning and the first article I saw after checking my e-mail was this one. It tells just how we think that Congress is doing. Interestingly enough, our public servants, whose job it is to serve their constituents and vote on issues that we find important, are not really performing their job well. Only 9% of the people in the US believe that Congress is doing a good or excellent job. Doing some simple math, which was never my joy, shows that that means that 91% of people are dissatisfied with the work that the people hired are doing.
Another interesting fact that came from the survey is that only 12% of those polled felt that Congress had done anything to improve life in the US. More math leads us to 88% that feel that Congress is doing nothing to help our country.
My wife can attest that I am a very logical man, which has served me well until now. So, logically if I was working a job and 91% felt that I was doing a bad job, and 88% felt that I had done nothing to improve the lives of those I worked for, what would happen to me? I would be thrown out on my head!!! I would not keep my job! I would probably never be able to get a job again from the bad references that would follow me everywhere.
Here comes the logic again...If this is how we feel about Congress...and we are the employers who give them the job, and pay them (have we forgotten that fact?)...why the hell do these men and women still have jobs??!?!?!
"Change" is the catch phrase for this election year. How about we do something about it and change those who are not serving us the way we want them to? (Oh, and promoting from the inside probably wont cut it either, just in case you were wondering my true feelings.)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Political Strategy

I was just watching Anderson Cooper and he and his team of analysts were discussing the strategy the presidential candidates should take in the upcoming election. The general consensus was that they should feed off of the other candidate's weaknesses and capitalize on them by reminding voters of flaws.
Now I could be wrong, but how many Americans are tired of this tactic? Do we really want to sit by and watch the candidates for our highest office take pot shots at each other? We really need to get back to real politics. It is obvious that the candidates have differing opinions on issues. Would it be so strange if we just allowed the candidates to run on their merits and the merits of their policies? I'm really wondering how we choose who we are going to vote for. Give me your thoughts.
Is it more important to have a flawless image, or the right policies?

Friday, July 4, 2008

My Favorite Word

This may seem like a strange title for a July 4th post, but I really want to share my favorite word with everyone because it is very relevant to this holiday. Remember. There it is. A word that we use quite often. I doubt that most people go a whole day without hearing or using it. Remember. So much is wrapped up in the word. Remember. What comes to mind when you read it.
On this July the 4th, I want every person to remember. Remember where you came from. Remember the family who came before you to make you who you are. Remember the beliefs you hold, whatever they may be. Remember remember the goals you've set and the dreams you had. July the 4th should be a very personal holiday. It should remind each of us of the awesome blessings that each and every one of us have. I don't care how horrible you think your life is, each person can find true miracles and blessings in their lives every day.
For citizens of the United States of America, our duty is to remember those who came before us. And not even those who were specifically American. Martin Luther. Christopher Columbus. Jesus Christ. Patrick Henry. George Washington. Thomas Jefferson. And don't forget their wives or mothers. These people fought and lived passionately so that we can live the lives we do. Especially the Founding Fathers who penned the Constitution deserve our respect and remembrance on this day. Remember those who have lost their lives in pursuit of destiny and greatness. Every soldier. Every mother. Every normal citizen who votes. Remember their lives and their sacrifice.
Remember and God Bless America!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Are you an American???

Just a little July 4th fun. I want everyone to take this test to see if you get to be a citizen of the United States of America. I have to admit that I got a 90% which I was disappointed with but which still makes me a citizen. Can anyone beat me? I hope everyone can...if not, get studying.

The quiz is here.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Campaign for Liberty

Everyone should give this a look. Ron Paul may seem a little crazy at times, but it is because he puts it straight. He tells how it is and what will really change our country, which is not the status quo.

Campaign for Liberty!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

You Really Don't Have To...

As I've been considering the 2008 Election and trying to decipher the moods of the people around me, I've got one thing that stands out in my mind that I desire to say. You don't have to vote for Obama or McCain. For years the American political system has run as a two-party system. Intersting to note that during that time, on the politcal continuum, the two parties have come closer together and even overlaped or switched sides on occasion. (Here's an example.) Over the past few presidents and congresses very little progress has been made, unless you count a larger deficit as progress. Our quite large federal government has caused our nation to stagnate and now we enter a recession. The thing that I find most humorous is that people still look to products of that federal government to fix things. All over the political scene there are cries of "Change!!!" and we REALLY want it. Why then, do we continue down the same path from which we so desperately desire change? Are we really glutonous for that type of punishment? Do we realize that WE have allowed our political system to become the monster that it is?
I apologize for the rant. Every once in a while I must give in to my true feelings. And I guess that is what I hope to inspire in people. There is no need to brand ourselves Blue or Red. Many times we think that because we normally vote for Democratic candidates, that means we must be a Democrat, and even when a Democrat comes along that we don't agree with, we still vote for that person just because of our voting history. I found this aritcle by Glenn Beck this morning and while I realize that he is quite conservative, the premise of the article is sound for people of any political persuasion. What do you personally believe? How do you feel about specific political situations? Do you believe the death penalty is wrong? Do you feel that government programs such as Welfare or Medicaid are beneficial to society? Do you feel that there should be fewer gun laws? WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL OPINION? Not that of your parents or spouse or best friend. And especially not of the guy squawking at you from the TV screen. Take the time before you vote to think about what you truly believe. Go online and take a political ideology quiz (though not 100% accurate, they can give you an idea of where you stand).
I personally believe that a two party system causes stagnation and impedes the greatness of our nation. We need the opportunity for a third or fourth or fifth party candidate to actually have a shot at leading our nation, or being a member of Congress.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Long Time Coming

This blog has been a long time in the making for me. From a very young age I became interested in politics. Over the years I have varied in my personal political beliefs, ranging from conservative to liberal, even semi-socialist at times. The more that I have thought about my own political beliefs in the past few years, and especially with the upcoming Presidential election, I've realized that my views on government are libertarian in nature. I don't want to give a huge lecture on libertarian beliefs here, though that will partly be the purpose of this blog, but it basically involves returning to the Constitution as our governing document. The Constitution was written as a safegaurd against a large Federal government and too much government intervention. The United States governement has stuck its hands in places where it has no right to stick them.
So, this election season, I have decided to play a proactive part in helping people realize the need to return to the Constitution, and the form of government set up by the Founding Fathers of our nation, who I believe were inspired men who knew well what could happen to our country. I hope you will all join me in this venture as we discuss politics in general, some libertarian views (including the Libertarian candidate for President, Bob Barr), and the Constitution and Founding Father.

(The title of the blog and the quote come from a speech given by Patrick Henry that helped give start to the American Revolution and the United States of America.)