Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Government Spending, Rhetoric, and Porn, Oh My!

Recently I've seen some pretty upsetting things come up in the media that I wanted to expand my thoughts on. The first of those is this article found on MSNBC. The main thrust of the article is that Obama realizes that the debt is huge and growing, but that he is going to put us more in debt to "stimulate the economy". We should all be grateful though because he isn't going to spend the $1 trillion some analysts told him to spend, instead the bill will only be around $800 billion. I always find government price tags to be of extremely questionable integrity. The good of the article is that the President-Elect does acknowledge that there is a problem with the mounting debt. I do hope to see the government do something to tackle to problem, though I doubt that a stimulus plan will help either the economy or the debt.

Those who loved the sound of much of what Obama said during his campaign should love this next tidbit. Sometimes I don't think politicians realize the power they hold over the American public, particularly the ones in high profile positions such as Presidential candidates. Some would probably find it odd that people voted for them based on the campaign promises that they made. "I want to be realistic here," Obama said in an interview that aired Sunday on ABC's "This Week." "Not everything that we talked about during the campaign are we going to be able to do on the pace that we had hoped." I would hope that would cause some doubt among his followers. He promised to do something and now is saying it can't be done in the timeframe he desired. The reality is that most of it will never be accomplished. Politicians should choose realistic goals instead of overinflated ones that will get them elected.

The last thing I hoped to mention here is just an interesting thought that should make Americans a little more leary of the economic bailouts that are being doled out like halloween candy. This article lets us know that another industry is searching for a bailout, I would assume more for the reason that "everyone else is doing it". The Porn makers of the US want a handout as well. To most Americans this will hopefully illustrate the futility and idiocy of handing out taxpayer dollars, mind you those taxpayers are not buying the products offered by those companies in the first place, to save companies the government feels needs saving.

1 comment:

  1. Campaign promises are just that, always have been, always will be. There a wish list of what the candidate would like to do in the perfect legislative world, or a collection of key phrases meant to act as a voting aphrodisiac to key constituencies. To judge a candidate, you’ve got to ’judge the candidate’, get inside his head, see what makes him tick. That’s why nothing Obama’s done so far surprises me, I knew he’d head center, I know he won’t just pull our troops out of Iraq; I get the man, he’s a pragmatist in reformists clothing. I’m not saying he won’t push things left, we’ll start moving more towards socialized medicine on his watch if he can help it, but really the guys somewhere between Bill Clinton and Lyndon Johnson politically.
