Sunday, April 12, 2009 would and will get done

Most people that find out my political beliefs and my strong disgust for current government practices usually try to give me some reasons why they think I am wrong. I welcome this to an extent as I fiercely believe that everyone should have the right to express their feelings and that we gain something interesting from every interaction with another intelligent person. Most of the time my beliefs are not changed since I have run the gamut when it comes to political convictions. Some might find it interesting to know that I once favored systems such as socialism and communism in theory, while still believing their earthly forms to be severely flawed. Over the past couple of years my research and love of politics and this country have led me to solidify my beliefs behind the standard of the Constitution, a place from which it most likely will never stray. For this reason I feel compelled to communicate calmly and openly about my views so that others can begin to understand what can be a better political philosophy. Sometimes however I need a little vindication and it comes in the following form.
One of the main reasons that people always give me for needing government intervention in our lives is that things would not get done were it not for the government. I almost always will respond to this by saying that is not true and professing my optimism towards people in general. I have had no concrete examples of man vs. government to share until now. Recently during my daily news search on CNN I came across this article out of Hawaii. I hope you all read it but I will briefly relate here what it says. It seems that a road was washed out that provided entrance to a State Park. Since building roads is government territory the plan was laid to rebuild the road. It was revealed that the funding was lacking and that the project would probably not take place for at least two years. Several businesses relied on the road being open and feared bankruptcy inevitable. The government did nothing to help them. They were going to lose their investments and be forced to close down. Is that what happened? If so, I would have nothing to write about. The people who relied on this road united in a common cause and did the work that the government could not. They fixed the road and did it in 8 days with no government money. Even had the funds been available it assuredly would have taken much longer than 8 days to finish the project. Plus I am sure that the price tag at the end of the 8 days was much less than the $4 million price tag that the government had placed on it.
This is the kind of example I am looking for. The government need not interfere in most aspects of our lives as we possess that ability to do it ourselves and should be given that chance. Private companies and individuals could complete every task the government does for much less money and in much less time, not to mention that personal fulfillment of each individual who knows they helped complete something worthwhile. We can do it without the government and in fact were meant to be in charge of our own lives. If you doubt that, read the Constitution again.

PS. I hope people realized that my previous post about the Constitution being figuratively thrown in the trash was written in jest since it was April Fool's Day. I hope that everyone also realizes that that is the way our country is going. We must cling to and fight for our rights and beliefs. The founding fathers knew what they were doing and left us a legacy to uphold.

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