Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Political Strategy

I was just watching Anderson Cooper and he and his team of analysts were discussing the strategy the presidential candidates should take in the upcoming election. The general consensus was that they should feed off of the other candidate's weaknesses and capitalize on them by reminding voters of flaws.
Now I could be wrong, but how many Americans are tired of this tactic? Do we really want to sit by and watch the candidates for our highest office take pot shots at each other? We really need to get back to real politics. It is obvious that the candidates have differing opinions on issues. Would it be so strange if we just allowed the candidates to run on their merits and the merits of their policies? I'm really wondering how we choose who we are going to vote for. Give me your thoughts.
Is it more important to have a flawless image, or the right policies?

1 comment:

  1. Well the truth is that if they ran on merit alone, well, they would have none! If they ran on policies, then they might not seem so different and would make it hard for any of them to be elected. But it seems this tactic wins time and time again. It reminds me of the Jesus and Barabus story in a movie. Pilate told Barabus why he was freed, EVEN though he was a muderer, "Your followers yelled the loudest." So when a candidate starts to make the 'Major' ones look bad, they just yell louder to drown him out.
